Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memo #117

Re: Book review of: Man - His Origin and Destiny

(written February 27, 2008)

June 1, 2010

From: Richard M. Pratt

Because the eternal future is so brilliant I am going to endeavor to write a review of one of the most essential books ever written other than the scriptures. The name of the book is:

Man - His Origin and Destiny by Joseph Fielding Smith, a general authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for more than half of his 97 years of mortal life.( He was the prophet of the church from 1970-1972) It will take several memos to do so. This first one will reach you about two years from the above date. In all likelihood, I will be gone from this mortal life and I write this in hopes that you as if you were the only you and you really are because if you didn’t exist or worse yet, didn’t succeed in receiving the promised blessings would be forever regretful as, I would be, not to be able to enjoy eternal life together.

Here is a quote from Parley P. Pratt (my great grandfather) on what we might hope for in the eons to come.

“In the resurrection, and the life to come, men that are prepared will actually possess a material inheritance on the earth. They will possess houses, and cities, and villages, and gold and silver, and precious stones, and food, and raiment, and they will eat, drink, converse, think, walk, taste, smell and enjoy. They will also sing and preach, and teach, and learn, and investigate, and play on musical instruments, and enjoy all the pure delights of affection, love and domestic felicity. While each, like the risen Jesus can take his friend by the hand and say: “Handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.”

“God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is every where in the scripture revealed as a being possessing a bodily organization in all its parts. He is said to have head, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, nostrils, face, arms, hands, fingers, back parts, feet and all other parts. It is also said that man was made in his likeness and image. Jesus Christ is also represented to be the express image of his person.”

This marvelous word picture of the God Head is so real, so scriptural and testified to by modern prophets that even a child can understand it.

What I don’t understand is why would anyone want to dispute such a glorious future. For the alternative doesn’t exist, at least not one that anyone in a sane mind would want to accept.

In the forward to Man - His Origin and Destiny Mark E Peterson (member of the twelve apostles) states: “Knowing the great need to provide Later-Day-Saints students of science with material which would help them to preserve their faith and coordinate in their minds the pure truth of both science and revelation, some of us have hoped for a book which could make the facts readily available to them.

Many have recognized in President Joseph Fielding Smith of the council of the twelve the profound student of scripture he is, but not so many were acquainted with the fact that he also is a deep student of science, widely read in various phases of the subject.

Recognizing his possession of this superb knowledge of both science and religion, some of us urged him to write a book on the creation of the world and the origin of man setting forth both the up-to-date views of science, and the facts provided through revelation.

The present volume is the result. It is a most remarkable presentation of material from both sources under discussion. It will fill a great need in the church, and will be particularly invaluable to students who have become confused by the misapplication of information derived from scientific experimentation.

All scientific TRUTHS harmonize with scriptural TRUTHS. The problem is that scientists, owing to their strong desire to display their brilliance have a tendency for theory to become more important than what the theory is trying to prove and if false never will prove. In fact one so called prominent scientist said, “I am more concerned with the elegance of the theory than the truth of it.”

“Few fields of science come into such direct conflict with the revealed scriptures as the palaeo-sciences-historical geology, palethnology, paleontology, palaeogeography.

The theoretical structure of these sciences is incorrect because it is not only in disagreement with the scriptures but is in direct opposition to them...when these sciences are denuded of their theoretical superstructure, they are not found to conflict with the revealed truths of the scriptures.”

I am deeply grateful for this documented and scientifically accurate volume to which one may turn for answers to technical questions.” Melvin A Cook Professor of Metallurgy University of Utah. (Introduction IX) from the introduction by the author.

“There cannot be any conflict between truth revealed from heaven and truth revealed thru the research of man; for truth is a unit and never is found in conflict with itself. Unfortunately we live in an age when many theories which have not been proved are accepted as truth.”

Most of the textbooks written today boldly and impudently contradict the doctrines in the Bible and its history. Instead thereof, the students are confronted with unproved and in many cases, unprovable theories.

That man who leads his fellows away from the path of eternal life, commits the greatest of all crimes!

It is a very strange thing, but verily true, that almost any false doctrine, philosophy or hypothesis, will be readily received. Charlatans and false religious leaders seemingly have little trouble to gain a following and become popular. But the truth has had to fight its way thru the most severe opposition.

The great trouble with so many members of the church is that they do not live in strict accordance with divine law therefore they have not freed themselves from darkness, and they are unable to distinguish the truths from heaven from the theories and doctrines of men.

So far as the philosophy and wisdom of the world are concerned, they mean nothing unless they conform to the revealed word of God. Any doctrine whether it comes in the name of religion, science, philosophy, or whatever it may be, if it is in conflict with the revealed word of the Lord, will fail. It may appear plausible. It may be put before you in language that appeals and which you may not be able to answer. It may appear to be established by evidence that you cannot controvert, but all you need to do is to abide your time. Time will level all things. You will find that every doctrine, every principle, no matter how universally believed, if it is not in accord with the divine word of God to his servants, will perish.

I know of no history published today dealing with ancient peoples that does not start out with a false conception in relation to the origin of man, the age of the earth, and the historical development of the human race.

In the Book of Job, we read, “Canst thou by searching find out God? Canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?” The answer is, without the Spirit of the Lord, NO! The scientific mind which dwell constantly on the physical and temporal things of the universe endeavoring to fathom all of the laws of nature, but who ignores the spiritual guidance which he could have if he sought in faith for it, will never find out God. He will invariably find and follow false Gods, worshiping the substance and ignoring the Maker.

One thing that a member of the Church may know is most assuredly that God lives, that Jesus is in very deed the Only Begotten Son of God; the Redeemer of the world and the Savior of all those who obey him and keep his commandments. (Chapter I Conflict Between Religion and Science)

Between the revealed word of the Lord to his prophets and the truth revealed thru scientific investigation THERE IS NO CONFLICT. There can be no disagreement wherein truth is arrayed against truth. Could such a thing be possible all things would perish in confusion. There is a conflict between revealed truth coming from the Lord and the false doctrines taught by men of science. There is also a conflict between false religion and truth revealed thru Scientific investigation. The time will come when nothing will remain except truth.

As long as men of science have no faith in the Divine Creator, they will search the hard way. And will formulate false theories which may prove harmful in that they will guide their fellows who accept them away from the revealed plan leading to eternal life.

God does not create worlds to be destroyed. They are created to bring to pass his divine purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Life is not an accident and the human race is not destined to die and cease to be. Neither is life an unimportant by- product of the main line.

The Lord has not created worlds by accident, they are not wandering blindly thru space. The Universe is well organized according to divine law and it is revealed; all kingdoms have a law given:

“And the end shall come (of the present world) and there shall be a new heaven and a new earth...and not one hair, neither mote shall be lost. For it is the workmanship of my hand.

Therefore it must needs be sanctified from all unrighteousness, that it may be prepared for the Celestial glory.

For after it has filled the measure of its creation, it shall be crowned with glory, even with the presence of God the Father.

That bodies who are of the Celestial kingdom may possess it forever and ever; for for this intent was it made and created, and for this intent are they sanctified.”

Latter-day Saints should be extremely grateful for this light which the Lord has revealed to them concerning their destiny and the destiny of the earth, let us add this comment from Brigham Young:

“ and this world, so benighted at present, and so lightly esteemed by infidels, when it becomes Celestialized, it will be like the sun, and be brought back into the presence of the Father and the Son. It will not then be an opaque body as it is now, but it will be like the stars of the firmament, full of light and glory; It will be a body of light.”

John compared it, in its Celestialized state to a sea of glass.

I started with Parley P. Pratt and feel it fitting to end with Orson Pratt, brothers.

Who, in looking upon the earth as it ascends in the scale of the Universe does not desire to keep pace with it...Who but the most abandoned, does not desire to be counted worthy to associate with those higher orders of beings who have been redeemed, exalted, and glorified together with the worlds they inhabit. Ages before the foundation of our earth were laid. O man remember the future destiny and glory of the earth and secure thine everlasting inheritance upon the same. That when it shall be glorious, thou shalt be glorious also.

And to YOU and only YOU I love YOU!

All my love always,

Dad, grandpa, brother, uncle friend,

Richard Marden Pratt

Recently I had to give a lesson on preparedness and thought you might like some of the basic information.

It is first and foremost the responsibility of the individual and the family to meet their own emergency needs. LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN FAMILY FIRST THEN AND ONLY THEN DO YOU SEEK TO HELP OTHERS.

Being prepared before an emergency is the key: has many disaster training classes at no cost. Also go to the following sites for more information.,,,,

What you can do NOW!...
Make a flamily emergency plan.....choose an out-of-state contact.....pick two meeting places, close-by and one that’s out of the neighborhood......consider the special needs of family members and pets.....know the emergency plans for your children’s schools.....record important telephone numbers.....assemble your 72 hour kits.....PRACTICE with your family. Remember that if you don’t have to evacuate your home stay put and shelter in place. Do plan to be safe! Turning off utilities....leave them on unless there is a problem. TURN Gas off only if you smell or hear a leak. ......HAVE shoes and flashlight by your bed a bathrobe could be useful too.

Hint: If you have children your emergency supplies should include some simple activities. Maybe a good coloring book and crayons. A couple of old issues of the Friend would be fun. Most kits are the bare minium and that is only for survival. Consider making the kits well rounded: A copy of the scriptures, a good book, a game, some gum and hard candy.

News Flash! Another fantastic resource from the Rice family is a Blog site that is packed full of information. I book marked it on my computer as it has so much GOOD!

You can click on anything that is blue and it will bring up the “what to do if” on that particular emergency. GO CHECK IT OUT!

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