Saturday, September 1, 2012

Memo #2

Written August 9, 2000 reprinted for the blog September 1, 2012
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From the pen of Grandpa Pratt (Richard M.)
To: All Pratt family Adults and selected others
Re: Natural Law
Note: No answer expected but appreciated

note: I will only be re publishing what Dad wrote. The things family members contributed in the early memos are wonderful and I enjoyed re reading them but for the blog I will publish Dad’s memo and the few quotes he chose from Mom’s book. In the beginning we sisters took turns typing and those memos which I didn’t type myself I am having to retype. It’s a privilege to share my father’s works with all of you. Love, Rose

Since my last memo, I have spent much time in meditation and have come to the realization that I have acquired a vast pool of knowledge that will go to my grave with me unless I speak out plainly and soon. Some of this knowledge is vital to your individual happiness now and in the hear-after. Because I love you, I must make an effort to share it!
Oh, I know that each one of you is a good, honest and truthful person and generally treat your fellow beings as you would be treated. And most certainly you will receive a measure of joy here and later. But why settle for a beat-up old used “car” when you could drive a “Cadillac”.
So in future memos I will treat the subjects of “The Nature of God”, “The Role of Jesus Christ in Our Lives Now and in the Future”, “The Great Plan of Happiness”, “The Resurrection”, and answer any questions.
Now let us consider the subject of “Law”. We obey jillions of laws automatically every minute because it is the natural thing to do. These laws didn’t make themselves. Who did? Only someone who is referred to as GOD. Why did He make them? For our personal happiness.
Example: The next recipe you cook try substituting salt for sugar or corn starch for flour or vinegar for water...what a mess! Or you builders, try building your next house in reverse, the roof first on down to the foundation last. What a hoot! Or try using a saw for a hammer and a hammer for a drill, etc. etc.
Most of nature’s laws are obeyed because it is the sensible thing to do. But there are a few laws that are essential and must be obeyed if we are to enjoy a fullness of joy or complete happiness forever. These laws I will now consider. (Please, PLEASE believe me! For I KNOW WHERE OF I SPEAK. I am not senile neither am I living in a fantasy land.) I am going to address this in the form of a parable as follows.
Suppose that a very wealthy old man names you as his heir, but you will have to wait ten years after his death and meet the following conditions or his entire fortune will go to charity.
*Law 1. Kneel twice a day and verbally express your gratitude to your benefactor (called prayer)
*Law 2. Spend one day in seven promoting his business which you will inherit.
*Law 3. Never use his name frivolously.
*Law 4. Treat all as you would be treated.
*Law 5. Return one-tenth of your income to the business (Remember you’ll get it back and then some!)

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*Law 6. Be married within 90 days and still be happily married ten years later to the same person.
*Law 7. Stay out of debt.
*Law 8. Teach all that will listen that full happiness can only be found by obedience to these laws.

Note: All these laws are for your benefit, not His.
Surely no one in their right sense would pass up such an opportunity. On difference between this parable and our Heavenly Father’s Plan is that YOU die (for He can’t) to inherit all that He has to give. But the teachings of the world would have us believe that there is no God, no Christ, no Savior and that Death is the end. What a dismal future. In fact it is NO future.
In the next memo I will explain who God is and what He is and how He operates and why each one of US is a special Son or Daughter to whom He wishes to give all that He has.
I particularly like the words of one dying father to his children: “If you say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin, (Sin is to break the law). If ye say there is no sin, ye shall also say there is no righteousness, (for that is obeying the law). And if there be no righteousness, tehre be no happiness. And if there be no righteousness nor happiness, there be no misery nor punishment. And if these things are NOT, there is no God. And if there is no God, we are not. Neither the earth, for there could have been no creation of things to act or to be acted upon. Wherefore all things must have vanished away.”
“And now my sons, I speak these things unto you for your profit and learning. For there IS a God and He has created all things, both the heavens and the earth and all things that in them are. Both things to act (man) and things to be acted upon.” (nature).[ 2nd Nephi 2 Lehi to his son Jacob] This reasoning cannot be refuted!
Even an ancient Roman attorney named Cicero, born 106 B.C., (assassinated 43 B.C.)
before Christ was born, had it figured out rightly. Said he, “and there will not be a different law at Rome and Athens or a different law now and in the future. But one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times. And there will be one ruler and Master, that is God, over us all. For he is the Author of the Law, its promulgator and enforcing judge. Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature and by reason of this very fact will suffer the worst punishment.”
Cicero is speaking, of course, of the great day, soon to be, when Christ will rule personally upon the earth and all laws will be JUST, and we will be delighted to obey them!
Grandpa (Richard M. Pratt)
Excerpts from Grandma Adaline Kearl Pratt’s book pg 36
“Once when I was in the mountains at the Homestead, it was necessary that I ride about five miles down to Grandma Ender’s ranch to get milk for our family. I rode a large black horse. It was getting dark and a rainstorm came up with strong thunder, lightning and heavy rain. The thunder cracked like pistol shots, echoing, vibrating, and shaking the very mountains. My horse frightened, bolted and ran. The rain tore at me. Afer a fearful time, the horse began to calm down, only to hear another clap of thunder and smell the sharp, vivid lightning, and began running again. It was terrible mud flew from the horse’s hooves as he ran on. All the while, I was clinging to the saddle horn and praying.
My prayers were answered when he finally stopped. We then continued on to Grandma’s soaking wet but thankful to be alive and safe. After staying the night with Grandma, I rode back to the homestead with the large bottle of milk in a sack that was tied to my saddle with leather strings.”