Saturday, November 1, 2014

Memo #28 (Written September 1, 2002)

Memo #28
September 1, 2002         POSTED TO DAD'S BLOG NOVEMBER 1, 2014
From: Richard Marden Pratt
Re: Light and Life

Beloved family I feel totally inadequate to address the above subject of Light and Life even tho I have read much and ponder many times on the subject. However I know that what follows is true and to comply with the Light and life of the world even Jesus Christ, will bring us ever lasting joy and not to comply will leave us in eternal darkness and misery.
This life, brief as it is, may be called the final examination of eternity. We are being tried to see if we will walk in the “Light” or seek the darkness. 
First a word about the darkness. It is very real and Satan is its father as evidenced in the first vision of the boy prophet Joseph Smith.
“Having retired to the place where I had previously designed to go and looking around to find myself alone, I knelt down and began to pour out my heart to God. Scarcely had I done so than I was seized upon by some power which had such an astonishing affect upon me as to bind my tongue so that I could not speak. Thick darkness gathered around me and I felt doomed to destruction, not to the power of some imaginary being but to the power of some real being from the unseen world.” (Joseph Smith’s first vision)
I have personally experienced this darkness and it is totally horrifying. It cannot be described except to say it is not imaginary but very real. It is Stygian black and is a substance that comes from every direction, from above and from below and from all sides. It is powerful and crushing and can kill that person who does not have the faith to call upon the powers of Heaven for rescue.
So on the one hand we have God the Father who has delegated to his son Jesus all life and all light and he delegates to his servants on earth sufficient of this Light to bring to pass eternal life and eternal happiness to all who will believe in him and follow His instructions. That they may eternally bask in His Light, Life, and Love and live as eternal families forever.
This Light of Christ fills the immensity of space and emanates from God. It is the Light by which the worlds are controlled, by which they are made. It is the Light of the sun and all other bodies. It is the Light which gives life to vegetation and all things. (Volume 1 Doctrine of Salvation page 52)
This Light is given to all men and women when they come into this world, (it is often referred to as conscience) and if followed will lead them to all truth even to the truth of the gospel when thru baptism and the bestowal of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost will then take that person on thru all the steps necessary to become as God is.
“For who so is faithful unto the obtaining of these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies......all they who receive this priesthood receive me, saith the Lord.
For he that receiveth my servants receiveth Me. (Jesus Christ)
And he that receiveth me receiveth My Father. (Heavenly Father)
And he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father’s kingdom; therefore all that my Father hath shall be given unto him.
And this is according to the oath and covenant which belongeth to the Priesthood.
Therefore, all those who receive the Priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of My Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved. (D & C 84:35 - 41)
From the forgoing scripture it is obvious that all men must receive something called Priesthood and covenants made with God with an oath. Which done and continuing to follow the Light of Christ will bring to that man sealed eternally to a wife all that the Father has to give.
This is called Endowment And is a covenant that can only be made in one of God’s temples. 
Usually we think of an endowment as an inheritance and in mortal life the person giving the gift dies and the designated heirs receive per the written will. 
But God cannot die. Therefore in order to receive all that he has to give requires us to die and if we have fulfilled the requirements we receive all that he has to give. Which is to become like him that’s why worthy recipients can receive ALL. 
Man and wife thus are eternally qualified to have the Power of God and will be an eternal family.(together they are one!)
This is the meaning of the scripture in John and the 132 section of the D & C which says:
“This is eternal LIVES - to know the only wise and true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He hath sent,... Receive ye therefore my LAW.”  (Verse 24)
Therefore having received ALL we will emanate Life and Light, will create worlds and fill them with our sons and daughters eternally.
(Incidentally, Motherhood will not be the uncomfortable and distressing physical problem of this mortal world. Remember, you will have a physical, resurrected, perfected body but will be bearing spirit children.  As a perfected being we will know all things!
All truth is Light and all Light is Truth both that which enables the eye to see and the mind to comprehend.
The world is filled with darkness as Satan subtly leads his victims into eternal darkness. But we need not be his victims.
The very purpose I have in writing these memos is to help you, my loved ones, to find the Light and cleave to it.
Believe in God and His Son. Follow Their instructions and have that true Light that will lead you to do all things that will bring you eternal life and a fullness of happiness.
I don’t know how many more memos I will write. They are becoming quite a burden. But it is worth all my efforts if even one soul is encouraged to follow that Light that will bring all that the Father has to give. I know where of I write. It is true!
I love you,
                                                  Dad, Grandpa etc. 
                                                 Richard Marden Pratt