To: Those I Love
From: Grandpa Pratt
Re: Heavenly Father’s Work & Glory
Moses stood in the presence of God, and talked with him face to face and God said: “Worlds without number have I created; and also I created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, Which is mine Only Begotten.....and there is no end to my works.....for behold, this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Moses 1: 32-39
“And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.”
Exodus 35:11
“Behold, the Lord God hath showed us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice out of the midst of the fire: we have seen this day that God doth talk with man, and he liveth.” Deuteronomy 5:24
Moses is pointing out that righteous men have talked to God face to face and have not perished. And he also declares that the very purpose and goal of God’s existence is to bring to pass eternal joy and happiness for his children. But it has to be done his way, not because he is a dictator but because he is a kind, merciful and loving father who sacrifices his personal desires to elevating all his sons and daughters that will accept his only begotten in the flesh as their Savior. The heavens and the earth and the myriads of twinkling orbs in the evening sky are not there by chance but by choice. They are created and the creation continues onward to make a place for every child of God. Or as the hymn so aptly says:
“If you could hie to Kolob in the twinkling of an eye. And then continue onward with that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever, thru all eternity, find out the generation where Gods began to be?
Or see the grand beginning, where space did not extend? Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, No man has found pure space, Nor seen the outside curtains where nothing has a place.
The works of God continue, and worlds and lives abound; Improvement and progression have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter, there is no end to space there is no end to spirit, there is no end to race.”
And I am a child of God and so are you and every other soul who lives on this and the countless other worlds and he has no favorites or putting it another way each of us can be his favorite for the following reasons:
Jesus is his first born and therefore the legal heir to all that our father has and he repeatedly calls him, “My dearly Beloved.” BUT all other sons and daughters who will follow Jesus are also equally loved and HEIR equally with Jesus ALL that the Father has. Isn’t this fantastic?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that who so ever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Now listen to the Saviors own words: “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:2-3
I marvel that no two people are alike. We each have our traits, gifts, talents etc. and by obedience to Heavenly principles we are each so very unique. Therefore each one is as if they were an only child. And each in his individuality can bless the lives and honor our Heavenly Father as no one else can and that can make each of us a favorite Son or Daughter.
“I am a child of God, and he has sent me here, has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.
I am a child of God, and so my needs are great; help me to understand his words before it grows to late.
I am a child of God. Rich blessings are in store; If I but learn to do his will I’ll live with him once more.”
“This earth also all other earths must undergo a variety of changes in their progress toward perfection. A new heaven and a new earth are promised by the prophets. Or in other words, the planetary systems are to be changed, purified, refined, exalted, and glorified in the similitude of the resurrection, by which means all physical evil or imperfection will be done away.
Our mortal body must pass away and be changed so as to be adapted to a wider and more glorious sphere of locomotion, action and enjoyment.
When this planet, as all other planets, on which man dwells has conceived, brought forth, and nourished the number of tabernacles ASSIGNED to it in the beginning, by infinite wisdom it must be acted upon by a process. The purifying elements, such as fire, must needs be employed to bring it thru a refinement, a purification, a change commensurate with that which had before taken place in the mortal bodies of its inhabitants. Thus renovated, it is adapted to Resurrected man.” (Adapted from P. P. Pratts ~ Destiny of the Universe)
This refining process then in which man and planet are purified must follow a set schedule and so it is and because God does nothing without revealing his plans thru his prophets we, his children, have ample warning and instructions as to how and when we can prepare and be ready for each different stage of the purifying process of God’s creations. We can either rejoice because we are prepared or we can weep and wail as the consequences of unpreparedness sweep over us.
In the book of Revelation beginning with chapter 5 John is shown a book, the book has seven sections, each section contains Gods plans for the earth and its inhabitants for 1000 years beginning with the fall of Adam and Eve. This awesome event took place as near as can be figured in 4004 B.C. We are now in the year 2004 A.D. or 6008 years have passed since the beginning of mortal time.
We then have witnessed via history and revelation the finishing of the first six planning periods and are now in the eighth year of the seventh period. Each period of a 1000 years. Is called millennium. This seventh millennium, just starting, is the most exciting and fraught with the most danger of all the others put together.
Christ is to return to the earth sometime in the early days of this period of time, restore it to its paradisiacal glory and reign personally upon the earth.
But the restoration includes much violence for it has taken much violence to bring the
earth to its present corrupt stage including Noah’s flood and terrible acts of nature, earthquakes, floods, storms etc. all this must be reversed and then a final cleansing by fire and the earth will be a fit habitation for the Savior and all those who by obedience will heir equally with him.
How to recognize the signs, which are all around us and be prepared and ready to meet the Savior will be the theme of the next several memos.
“And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of man shall come.”
Thanks to all of you for your Christmas cards and goodies. I’ve enjoyed them immensely! I’m surrounded by the cute pictures of my posterity. By the way in December I received a wonderful phone call telling me I have my first great great grandchild! (This would be Carolyn’s first great grandchild!) This makes 127 descendants! With the 128th due in May! It’s wonderful to see my family growing. Thanks for remembering me.
Grandpa Pratt
PS May you all have joy, love, and peace in this new year! Happy New Year! Dad / Grandpa etc.