From: Richard Pratt
To: Those I Love
Re: I Belong
Yes, I belong and so do you. We can not get away from it. And we shouldn't want to for when we try to convince ourselves we don’t belong we become a “loner, miserable, sickly both body and soul and doomed to not only an early mortal death but also unhappiness and misery in the world to come until we discover that we really do belong.
First of all we belong to a family, the family of god and in mortality to the family that makes our mortal life possible. We start mortality as a son or daughter and as we advance in years we become a brother or sister, cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle and if we go full circle a mother and a father and on and on.
Then we belong in so many other ways to all people. We belong to our city, our state and to our country no matter where we live. In my grade school days, the day always started by singing, “My Country Tis of Thee”, all four verses and then we pledged allegiance to the flag. The feeling of belonging, called Patriotism was so strong that I would cry, not sobbing, but just tears of joy running down my face because I belonged. My class mates would do the same.
I loved the extended family system in the islands. The oldest couple lived in the center home and all others around them. They soon formed their own village.
Two young men, working on the school compound at $3.00 a day had me promise not to give them a single dollar as they were saving for their missions. They needed $240.00 each before they could go. In the poverty stricken country of Kiribati that was a lot of money, but they had to have that much before the church would furnish the rest. Yet they came to me one day in tears and asked for $5.00. Having promised not to give them any until they reached their goal, I asked why and what they needed it for.
Their answer, “Family member died, family needs money.”
I tried to find out how they were related to the deceased person. They didn’t know for they don’t try to categorize into cousins etc. it’s just all family. I finally figured out that they were third cousins which is not “family” here.
“The law of family worship” by Elder McConkie states in part: “All things center in the family, and the family is the center of all things. Salvation is a family affair and consists of the family unit in eternity. God himself is exalted and omnipotent because he is a Father, and his kingdoms and dominions are composed of his children over whom he rules in equity and justice forever. The whole system of salvation, of revelation, of religion, of worship ~ all that comes from Deity for the benefit of man ~ is tied into a divine patriarchal system. If any of us gain the fulness of reward in our Father’s kingdom, it will be because we enter into family relationships that are eternal in nature; it will be because we have perfected our own patriarchal family units. These concepts are part of the very foundation upon which true religion rests.
True worship is a family affair. God deals with and through families, righteous families, faithful families, families who will believe and obey. The whole object and end of true religion is to enable a man to become ~ through celestial marriage ~ an eternal father in his own right, and to enable a woman to become an eternal mother. It is thus inevitable ~ it could not be otherwise ~ that God, who is our Father deals with chosen and favored families in making his
mind and purposes known to mortals.”
How, then, do we become a part of that eternal family? Remember that mortality is a time of testing to see if each of us will accept Jesus as our Savior and live by every word that comes from the mouth of God. To do less than this will find us eternally cut off from our family or as the prophets say, “we will have neither root (ancestors) nor branch (descendants).
Remember “there is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And WHEN WE OBTAIN ANY BLESSING FROM GOD, IT IS BY OBEDIENCE TO THAT LAW UPON WHICH IT IS PREDICATED.” Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20-21
“A man must marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, (in a temple) by him who is ... appointed unto this power and the keys of the priesthood...and they shall inherit thrones, dominions, kingdoms etc.” Doctrine and Covenants 132: 19 and verse 20 continues, “then shall they be Gods, because they have no end (their family increases eternally)...then shall they be Gods, because they have all power...verily, verily I say unto you, EXCEPT YE ABIDE MY LAW YE CANNOT ATTAIN TO THIS GLORY.
“If a man marry him a wife in the world, and he marry her not by my word... they are not bound by my law when they are out of the world. Therefore, when they are out of the world they neither marry nor are given in marriage. (They do not belong)
They are appointed angels... and are servants to those who are worthy of celestial families. For these angles did not ABIDE MY LAW. Therefore they cannot be enlarged, but remain separately and singly, without exaltation in their saved condition eternally and are not Gods, but are angels of God forever and ever.
Notice this next one: If a man and a woman decide to live together without the formality of a wedding and they make a covenant with each other to meet and continue their romance after this life. It cannot be done. When they are out of this world, they cannot come together there because the angels and the Gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass. For they have not obeyed my law. For my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God.
I know a very fine man, who maintained that God, being a God of LOVE would certainly not separate, after death, a husband and wife who loved each other. His reasoning was very faulty because God is also a just God and justice decrees that we obey the law to get the blessing and a loving couple who have not complied with the law of eternal marriage will not be able to come together after this life. As mentioned in the previous paragraph they will not be able to pass the angels who guard the way to exaltation which is eternal families.
So who ever you are, where ever you are, if you want to belong obey the law and it shall be done!
Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and your only hope. For without Him there is nothing. For he (Jesus) has said: “ He that receiveth my servants receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth my Father and he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father’s kingdom; THEREFORE ALL THAT MY FATHER HATH SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO HIM. And this is according to my law.
I LOVE you,
Dad, Grandpa etc.
Excerpts from Adaline Kearl Pratt’s journal of 1970 -1972
August 16th 1970:
Sunday evening the 16th we were given a farewell at Sacrament meeting. Richard and I spoke. My talk followed a song by Dawn and two of her Tabernacle Choir friends. I started the talk with “It takes a heap of living in a house to make it home” and told about family and how we had really found the 8th ward and Provo home. Then ended my about 12 minute talk with the scripture: “May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.”
Then Richard talked and continued on about the home and family paying me the nicest tribute that I have ever had. Then he had me stand next to him and with his arm around my shoulders bore our testimony as one.
“We are as one! We work together. Our love has continued to grow as the years have progressed. We are proud of each other and of what the other one has done and is doing. We have a strong testimony and a great love for our Heavenly Parents and their children. Our great desire for our family is that they will love and serve the Lord that their lives will be blessed with the richness of His spirit.”
September 19, 1970 my birthday
The neighbor boys brought me cards and presents. The Bishopric sent a card and a family nearby sent me a gift... the remembrances most of which were a surprise since I was new here. The best remembrance was from my husband. A card and candy with love. Then Sunday evening Gibb and Sheryl and Roger and Rose Marie phoned to wish me a happy birthday. They no sooner hung up until Kay and Vern phoned. Carolyn and her family sent a gift and card, and earlier Steve and Gae sent a tape and card, and Dawn and Nelson a card and gift. So all in all it was really nice to be remembered by all of our wonderful family. And today I received a card and letter from Mother, Noreen, Mint and Jack.
Sunday October 4, 1970
was mother’s birthday. I am thankful to have had such a very fine and choice mother. We went to church where I taught a group of Lamanite girls while Richard taught the priesthood. In the afternoon sister Shelly came over. Later Elder Olsen came down from the mission home and brought a tape recorder playing a tape that Steve and Gae had sent us. It was nice. Everyone sounded just like they were in the room with us.
Wednesday the 7th
President Tingey gave Richard and I a nice compliment today when he was in the office awaiting a call. We were talking about mission presidents etc and their work etc. he said, “your husband would make a wonderful M. Pres. And you would be a good mission Mother. You both have the right kind of abilities.” I doubt if we’ll ever be called but it was nice to have him think us worthy. After work I dropped Pres. Tingey off at the airport where he flew to SLC for a mission Pres. Seminar. None of the M Home cars were there to take him out. So I did my good deed for the day! Ha!
Letter from my husband...dated Oct. 25, 1970 (from this letter we only included 3 paragraphs)
The void I feel when you are gone increases each time we are separated. I feel more keenly that our days are numbered and that we will soon be temporarily separated by the grim reaper. This will be the worst time of life.
I doubt if it matters who goes first. I am sure that the one who goes will be as anxiously waiting to be reunited as the one who stays. I love you more than I can tell. Only the gospel means more to me, and yet how do you separate the two? Without you the gospel would have little meaning and without the gospel, eternal separation from you would make life unbearable. How grand to know that we two are one through all the eternities. Thank you for being my wife.
Enjoy our kids. I love them next to you and am so proud of them all including their kids and spouses. My love for my family (as you well know) surpasses by far any and all other emotions and is the greatest thrill of life. They truly are my reason for living. May we all always be worthy to freely go and come to see each other.
Until Thursday then, all my love, Richard
October 23, 1970
I left Holbrook at 3 PM and arrived at Provo 5:20 AM. I slept most of the night so it was a painless way to make a journey. However, I missed the sights which I did enjoy on our homeward journey to Holbrook. I visited with Sheryl and Gibb, Carolyn and Family, Rose Marie and family and Dawn and Family. Carolyn, Rose Marie and I went to SLC and had dinner and did some genealogy. I was able to help Sheryl with the new baby girl who is really a doll with its dimples and black hair. I stayed at Rose’s and Roger’s nights. Dad drove up to Provo on the 29th to join me for the next few days. We did some good family visiting and had a Halloween party at Carolyn’s Saturday evening. ThenSunday evening we were the speakers at the Sacrament meeting. We told about our experiences in Arizona with the Lamanites and our visits to Hopi land. The family got together afterwards.
Saturday December 19th
We arose early and left Holbrook for Provo, Utah. After a successful drive we arrived in Provo by evening and went to Rose and Roger’s who were decorating a big Christmas tree. The next 2 weeks were greatly enjoyed by visiting our families in Provo area. Richard also did some work on Dawn and Nelson’s house and spent several days at Carolyn’s working with Steve finishing up the small bathroom with built-ins shower etc. we came home feeling good after seeing each family progressing in faith and works. We are proud of our family and glad to see it grow and strengthen. All but Kay and Vern and family were there. And they plan to come to AZ for a visit soon. This we anticipate.
Sunday Feb. 7, 1971
We went to Sunday school then testimony and sacrament meeting followed. We fasted and had special prayers to ask for an answer to a problem that has been bothering us of late. We wonder if we should stay in Holbrook next year or to return home to Provo. There is so much need here for good Seminary teachers. Richard is very good. The kids love him and he changes lives. His BYU rating is that of a “Master Teacher”’ one of the top 10% of teachers in the Church System. He could also teach in Provo, Utah, and we could live there where most of our married children live and where we own our home. Our desire is to find out what the Lord would have us do. Here I contribute to working in the S W Indian Mission Home helping keep records, along with other home and church duties.
Mother’s day 1971....has been different than any previous year because we are away from our children and grandchildren. But I have felt peace and happiness in spirit knowing that they were where they were and that they were doing that which we could feel proud.
January 30, 1978
Even at this late date my heart is warmed when I think of our experiences in the Arizona desert. They were rich and rewarding. We grew in faith, had many rich and exciting experiences and made a host of good friends. And Richard did a work there that will long be remembered. Just this week we received a letter from Holbrook Stake President Williams, thanking us once again (after 7 years!) For the good influence we had on the youth and people of Holbrook. It was gratifying.
And once again we felt sure that the Lord had guided us to the desert to bless us along with the people there. It was a sacrifice to leave our home and family but we are taught that sacrifice brings forth blessings, and maybe our family even did some growing by our being away.
(Mom always made home and relationships beautiful. To read in her journals was to ‘hear’ Mother’s voice again.)
To close this month’s memo here are the words to a primary song:
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. I know who I am. I know God’s plan. I’ll follow him in faith. I believe in the Savior Jesus Christ. I’ll honor his name. I’ll do what is right. I’ll follow his light. His truth I will proclaim.
With Grandpa and Grandma leading the way....teaching us how to trust and obey! We Belong!